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CM 1650

HVO fuel: What is it and why are we using it?

HVO fuel: What is it and why are we using it?

By Georgia Fellows

HVO fuel is a paraffinic fuel, which are high quality, synthetic clean liquid fuels, which help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 90%. Recent government guidelines have stated that by 2030, the UK aims to be completely diesel free, meaning that p until now, current viable options remaining are electric vehicles or biofuel.

According to biofuel-express, HVO fuel is made from 100% raw, renewable materials, making it extremely environmentally friendly, as it does not release any new carbon dioxide into the air. ‘It is produced by hydrotreatment of vegetable oils and/or animal fats, and the result is a premium quality fuel with a chemical structure almost identical to regular diesel and can therefore fully replace fossil diesel.’ The fuel itself can be used in any diesel engine without any modifications being made, making it very easy to begin being more eco-friendly.

Hako are a responsible equipment manufacturer who consider the impact to the environment in all their manufacturing processes.  Currently one of the global leaders in the manufacture of zero emission equipment, both indoor and outdoor, the option to support HVO fuel use is another demonstration of their desire to continually improve towards the target of zero emissions.

With this in mind, Hako Machines Ltd are proud to announce that their Citymaster 1650, which uses a Hatz 1.9litre diesel engine, has been approved for the use of HVO fuel in their engine, making them one of the first in the industry to take a step to becoming more eco-friendly and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions within their current model range without compromising on reliability and performance.  The Hatz engine use was negotiated as a result of the engine manufacturers continual development and strive to be at the forefront of Diesel engine technology.

Mark Fellows, UK Municipal Sales Manager at Hako, stated that ‘the Hako Citymaster 1650 approval to run on HVO was a market innovation.  Although slightly more expensive than diesel, this option is a credible alternative to electric vehicles, which can be more expensive to purchase currently.’  Mark continues, ‘Whilst the cost difference itself is not a constant figure as it changes with the changes in fuel prices, to put a figure to it, the difference is around 10p more expensive than diesel fuel. However, this is easily counteracted with the benefits that it has for the environment and the improved efficient performance whilst also considering no mechanical alterations to the Hatz engine or negative impact to warranty support’.

Another industry first for Hako, please contact our team on 01788 825600 or Email: [email protected] to find out how your fleet can benefit from the alternative option to a fully electric fleet.