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Hako reveals chosen charities for 2024/25 fundraising

The team at Hako Machines has chosen three very deserving charities to be the benefactors of their fundraising over the next two years. Staff were invited to nominate their charity of choice so everyone could then vote to determine which organisations would be supported.

Nominated by Sales Administrator Emma Peters, Combat Stress provides clinical treatment and support for veterans from the British Armed Forces, with a focus on those with complex mental health issues. When some military personnel leave service, their experiences can’t easily be left behind. Without treatment, psychological trauma can eventually tear lives apart.

Emma explains: “They helped piece my brother back together when he returned completely mentally broken by what he had experienced on tour with the RAF, not only supporting him but us as a family for which we will be forever grateful.”

They are joined by Project Youth Cancer, nominated by Managing Director Sylvie Giangolini, who said: “They are hugely amazing, more so now as they are currently supporting a dear family friend as they take on this horrific disease.”

Project Youth Cancer has helped young people feel supported through treatment and beyond for over 25 years. As a young cancer patient, or someone who has been through treatment, you can access a range of therapies delivered remotely or face to face. Project Youth Cancer also funds research into cancers that specifically affect young people.

Pam Thornes, Chief Executive Officer, responded: “The team at Project Youth Cancer wants to thank Sylvie and the incredible Hako team for selecting us as one of their charities for the next two years.

Project Youth Cancer is here to support teenagers and young adults with cancer throughout their treatment and beyond. Through age-targeted research and support for mental wellbeing, our purpose is to give young people with cancer not just an improved chance of survival but the ability to thrive, following treatment.

This continued support is only possible with the help of those willing to put themselves forward, such as all at Hako and pledge to help make a vital difference.”

The third charity, the DemCafe, was nominated by Accounts Administrator Andrea Lee, who adds: “A fabulous idea to help those who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer’s providing such a space for those with problems and their families to get together and support each other.”

A Dementia Café was run in Daventry by the Alzheimer’s Society until they lost their funding from Northants County Council, which resulted in the birth of Daventry and District Memory Café in April 2017. After using free locations, the Café received enough sponsorship to run the Demcafe firstly at the Abbey Centre and currently at the Daventry Methodist church.

Team Hako plans to hold an internal fundraising drive as well as larger external event such as its popular annual Golf Day. At the end of the two years, all money raised will be divided between these amazing and deserving charities.